Monday, June 7, 2010

It hurts and kills me anyway, you won't do these things on me, Don't you?

It hurts when being replaced, but it kills when you slowly watch yourself being replaced.

It hurts seeing someone broken, but it kills when you watch yourself being broken.

It hurts when you're in love, but it kills when the person you love, doesn't love you back.

It hurts when you're not noticed, but it kills when you're invisible.

It hurts when you love, but it kills when you know it won't work.

It hurts when you see the one you love with someone else, but it kills when you know that you would never be with that person.

It hurts when you're sad, but it kills when you're depressed.

It hurts leaving, but it kills when you're the one leaving.

It hurts when someone breaks a promise, but it kills when you know that person would never do that.

It hurts when you see love, but it kills when you know that you'll never be loved.

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