Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My fav breakfast all the time

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1PeZBpI

Yes! : A bowl of warm noodles and a cup of warm tea 😘😘

Don't try to kiss me or talk to me in the morning if I have this kind of breakfast, this noodles contain a lot of garlic, mushrooms, and garlic. :D

Basically, I eat any kind of noodles.

On this pic, I made organic sweet potato noodles with chicken and mushrooms. I just can't have enough of this. I wish I could eat this every day :)

What is your fav brekkie?


yoansherlock93 said...

Hey alfi, boleh minta kontak chat kamu?

Aku mau nanya2 nih soal au pair.

Sebenarnya udah lama sih mau nanya, tapi sekarang baru sempet. Aku udah follow ig kamu juga lagi dulu pas niat bgt mau au pair, tapi belom sempet say hi.

Oh ya, kenalin nama gue Yoan. :)

Email gue di yoan.letsoin@gmail.com

Hope to hear from you soon ya al.

natureahead said...

Hei Yoan, iya aku sering liat kamu di IG hehehe

kamu biasanya chat pakai apa? aku pakai Skype, alfi.yusrina@hotmail.com.

see you there!