Okay, wait, before you judge me, don't expect this post like another post which I've posted before about my days with a foreigner, it was different, very different. 
simply good, I feel lil bit tired after all.
first, I went to campus on 10.am by train, like you already know how trains in Jakarta is, I arrived at UI on 12.30 am, It means I was late for my technical meeting which held on 11.am, when i came to my crew they have done their discussion
I'm sorry pals.
Nah, after I met my crew, just like 10 minutes, then I went to library, I had appointment with my friend who comes from USA. His name is Michael, hes going to study at my campus. I helped him to find a room.
And voila! we just met up. then we were going to ATM BNI Machine at FIB UI, he would cash withdrawal. but, guess what happen?????????????
THE ATM MACHINE WAS ERROR, the money didnt want to come out, it cames out, but when Mike took the money from the slot, it was closed. grrr... I was panicked. I asked security, he suggested to go to bank. So, Mike and me went to BNI Depok, and Irna was waiting us in front of ATM machine,she was waiting for in case if the money came out suddenly.
and it was rainy hard outside. and lucky me, I always bring my umbrella. :)
At the bank, after waiting for like 10 minutes? we asked the customer service. (Buat info aja, costumer service BNI cabang Depok, kok tidak bisa bahasa Inggris? dia minta aku untuk translate. hmm..jadi bertanya-tanya, kok bisa ya?)
The customer service said Mike have to confirm at his bank--which doesnt have branch in Indonesia--that he couldn't withdrawal some cash at ATM of BNI. and later if Mike already give information to his bank, that bank will fix this problem to BNI by themselves, and Mike's balance wouldnt decrease, but to solve this problem would take a long time, around 1 or 2 month.
Mike said it was okay, but I still couldnt let it go as simple as him.
and then, we back to FIB UI, met Irna. Mike treated us a glass of drink.
Irna and me show him around campus, and I had to meet one of my friend at Balairung who was tutoring the sophomores, but i couldn't find my friend there.
she was already back home. grrr...
hey, anyway, i saw the sophomores. haha many sophomores. I wish i could talk to them directly. wait... for what??? ugh.. nothing, i just curious about new students.
next, we were going to Depok Townsquare, Mike bought a chip card for his mobile and electricity plug (err i forget in English :P) "colokan". We accompanied Irna take her late lunch, Irna I'm sorry make you starved. 
after from Hypermarket, we went home. Irna and me got terribly train (like always!! almost all of trains in jakarta is sucks!!) the railway carriage hasnt a lamp, so it was very dark, and you know what time was it??? already 6.pm!!! OMG it was so scary!!
but, finally i got home safety.
To summarize my day, I was glad to meet my new American friend, I think he is a nice person and smart. He already learn some sentences in Bahasa, wow. i wonder, he learn so fast, i guess. I like to talk with him, he seems have many experiences, and i would like to hear some of his story. Especially, English idioms or slang words.
yah, i kinda interested with cultures, and curious about something new, i like to listen story from other culture.
BUT, my problem is my English. I've met many foreigners, and talked to them in English there wasn't problem, but when I talk to Mike, I feel like "Okay, admit it, Alfi, you seem have to take an English course"
I know I'm bad on pronunciation and spoken. my grammar is also extremely brutal. hahaha
Okay, I have to study English again, talk more confidence in English!!
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