Yesterday, i had promised with my friend who came back from Taiwan, I asked her for watching cinema. And today I was made it with her. We went to Gadjah Mada Plaza without plan, we just decided 30 minutes before film played from our home. We watched The Last Airbender. The reason I wanna asked her to accompany me was I only wanna watch Dev Patel face in cinema. thats it. I didnt know how about the story was, but Marcella, my friend, did. She told me the whole story, so I got it, before she told me I was blank about this film, i just was curious with Dev Patel. I love him so much. 
And, because we decided in hurry, so Marcella was late, i came first. we late about 5 mins, it didnt matter, i was cool. 
I enjoyed the film, especially when Dev Patel showed up. amazingly awesome! hes perfect!
you know what? after we were done watching it, I read a text from my Multiply friend, Mbak Adel, she asked me to go to cinema at Planet Hollywood for watching Shanghai. I was surprised. and by second leaving Gadjah Mada Plaza, I was running to Planet Hollywood.
well, I enjoyed also Shanghai. It was awesome, the stars are famous, like Gong Li and Chow Yung Fat.
I love this day, it was awesome hangout with two friends who already long time no see in the different places and time in a day.
Thanks God for everything, You make my day. :)
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